Your Summer Pool
Nottingham Swim Club
Your Summer Pool
REVISED July 13, 2020
Dear Members,
Your NSC Board and staff have been and will be working tirelessly to give our members the
summer they deserve! We ask for your patience as we navigate this season together. Due to
COVID-19 regulations, many of our pool’s daily operating procedures had to be modified. As
government regulations and guidelines change, we will work to adjust currently.
Below are the protocols that are effective July 13, 2020; these supercede the operating
protocols implemented at pool opening on June 8th and revised on June 16th and July 3rd. If
there is a direct conflict between what is included in this document and in our standard
Operating Rules, what is contained here supersedes the other document.
Pool Operating Hours:
The pool’s operating hours follow previous seasons and can be found on our
website ( ).
Pool Capacity:
The capacity of the pool and fenced grounds is 200 people.
Accommodated on a first come, first serve basis.
Pool Check-in and Check-out:
All members are required to check-in AND check-out with the guards.
Along with providing member names, the number of members in the party
arriving and departing must be provided so that guards can monitor the club’s
capacity. -
In accordance with State guidelines, please remember social distancing with our
check-in guard.
Hands-Free Cloth Face Coverings
Are required to enter and exit our facility, especially during the check-in and
check-out processes. (Cloth face coverings may not be a shirt being worn or a
towel.) -
Are required to enter our restrooms/bath houses.
Are required when ordering, waiting or picking up food from a food truck on the
property. -
Are recommended when unable to maintain 6 feet social distancing.
Are recommended for children ages 2-12, but not required.
Are prohibited for children under the age of 2.
6 Feet Social Distance Separation
Members must maintain at least a 6 feet separation from others not within their
family or party while on pool grounds (this includes while ordering and waiting for
food from food trucks in the parking lot). -
This distance must be maintained outside and inside the pool, therefore it is
critical that members do not hang out within 6 feet of the pool stairs and ladders.
Bath Houses/Restrooms
As noted above, cloth face coverings are required when entering/using the
restroom facilities; signage will be posted accordingly. -
Curtains are provided on 1-2 shower and changing stalls in each bath house; we
encourage members to limit showering and changing at the pool at this time. -
6 feet social distance should be maintained.
Proper hand washing protocol should be followed.
Picnic Tables, Deck Chairs, Chaise Lounges, & Pavilions
Chairs are not provided at this time.
Members are required to bring their own chairs and tables to the pool and take
them home when they leave. -
A limited number of chairs and folding tables are provided for our senior
members, members with disabilities, or on an exception basis. (If you have a
need for a chair or table, please see the manager or a guard captain for
assistance.) -
A limited number of picnic tables are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Members are not allowed to relocate tables. -
The pavilions are available for members to sit under, on a first-come, first-served
basis; social distancing must be maintained from other parties.
Restrictions on guest passes due to COVID have been eliminated and the policy
in our standing operating rules should be followed. -
There can be no more than 10 guests per family daily (10 or more require
pre-registration as a party, which continues to be prohibited at this time) -
Guests must be accompanied by the sponsoring member and must check in and
out at the registration desk -
Members are responsible for informing guests of pool rules (including the use of
cloth face coverings in designated areas) and are responsible for guests’ actions
Gator Grub Snack Shack Is NOT Open At This Time
No snacks or drinks are available for purchase.
Paper products and utensils are not available for use.
Members do not have use of the refrigerator/freezer.
No one may have entrance to this facility.
Members will be allowed use of the grills, on a first-come, first-served basis.
Members will be required to provide their own grill utensils and supplies, as none
will be available for use this season. -
After using a grill, it is each member’s responsibility to wipe down the exterior
surface (please see manager or staff for wipes or other cleaning supplies), clean
off the grill surface and empty the grease trap.
Food Trucks
On occasions, food trucks will be scheduled at the pool (generally on Friday
evenings from 5:30-8:30). -
While ordering, waiting, and picking up food from a food truck, 6 feet distancing
other patrons must be observed and hands-free cloth face coverings worn.
Activities Not Allowed At This Time
Parties are not allowed and reservations for parties are not being accepted.
Raft Nights
Social Events
Communal baby pool toys and play tables
Communal pool toys, balls and games
Note: Toys, balls, and equipment may not be stored at the pool at any time. Any
belongings left at the pool will be removed to outside of the pool grounds (see
Lost and Found information below).
The volleyball net is allowed to be used, with the following provisions:
Members use at their own discretion
Members must bring their own ball
The gaga pit is allowed to be used, with the following provisions:
Members use at their own discretion
Members must bring their own ball
The pool’s cornhole sets may be used with the following provisions:
Members must bring their own bags to use
Members use at their own discretion, keeping proper social distance from other
members -
If members choose to bring their personal cornhole set to use, they cannot be
stored at the pool
Lost & Found
All items left at the pool at the end of each Open Swim will be relocated to the bin
next to the dumpsters. -
Exceptions will be made for high value items (which will be kept in the Guard
Inclement Weather Policy
In the event that the pool needs to be cleared due to thunder, lightning, or heavy
rain, members may need to shelter in their cars or leave the pool grounds, at the
discretion of the Pool Manager or Board vice president. -
Otherwise, our policy for inclement weather remains as is, which can be found in our regular operating rules.